Paris, France
The place and its people - a visual diary.
Spring 2023
My husband and I recently traveled to Paris.
I've always had a love and admiration for French culture, and this trip deepened those feelings.
There is the shiny picture-book Paris that beckons tourists from all over the globe,
and also a vibrant, grittier, visceral side to the city.
There are amazing shops, cafes, and markets...
hotels and restaurants,
and hidden visual gems around every corner.
Parisians take advantage of all of the best forms of transportation...
but often prefer to walk.
Paris and its people are beautiful and diverse,
and the Shakespeare and Company bookstore really is a slice of creative heaven.
Paris, you have our hearts,
and we can't wait to return.
xo Helenna
P.S. Blog posts about planning our trip to Paris and our favorite finds coming soon!